
A Dream Come True

One day at 3 am I was watching music videos on MTV's After Hours show around 3 am. The first video that played on the show that night began with a woman with a fur coat stepping out of a car walking toward a closed house door. When she opened the door "The Middle" began to play then the rest goes something like this...

Since this video came out I have been a big fan of Jimmy Eat World. They are an American rock band from Arizona that have been around for 18 years now. Their breakthrough albums Bleed America, Futures and Chase the Light. Their most recent album Invented has blessed their fans ears once again. 

Jimmy Eat World will be playing at the Mercy Lounge on February 18th at 8 pm. I did buy a ticket for triple the amount it originally sold for but I could not miss this concert that I have been waiting almost 8 years to see. 

Jim Adkins, lead vocalist and guitarist
Tom Linton, guitarist and backing vocalist
Rick Burch, bassist
Zach Lind, drummer

The other day I emailed a friend of mine that works at the Nashville Arts Magazine to ask if I can be the photographer for the concert. He replied with "Yes. I will get you a pass with your name on it." 
So I will be covering the Jimmy Eat World concert for 2011. 

today = a dream come true